支气管哮喘(简称哮喘),是一种常见的呼吸系统疾病。一些不典型的哮喘容易导致误诊或漏诊。以CLIPS V6.2为开发工具,将知识表示为产生式规则,以正向推理的方式建立哮喘诊断专家系统。此系统模拟人类专家进行哮喘的诊断,是将计算机的人工智能技术应用于哮喘的诊断领域,同时也是关于哮喘诊断的新方法和新手段的有益尝试。
Asthma is a common respiratory disease. Sometimes it is not familiar and it is very easy to be diagnosed in error. The Asthma Diagnosis Expert System, built using CLIPS V602, diagnose asthma disease as a clinical expert. The realization of this expert system need apply artificial intelligence technique to clinical diagnosis, and it is a helpful attempt to find a new way to diagnose asthma.
Bulletin of Science and Technology