Objective:To present the experience on the diagnosis and treatment of urethral injury and traumatic posterior urethral stricture in children. Methods:In 8 cases of complete posterior urethral disruption, combined perineal-transpubic urethral repair was performed in 3 cases, urethral alignment and suprapubic cystostomy in 2 cases respectively, urethral:anastomotic repair through transpubic approach in one girl patient. For 18 cases of traumatic posterior urethral stricture, treatment included transurethra resection (TUR) in 10 cases, combined perinealtranspubic urethral repair and via perineal approach for urethral repair in 4 cases respectively, urethral anastomotic repair through transpubic approach in one girl patient, Results:Five cases of complete posterior urethral disruption developed urethral stricture after operation, included 2 patients performed by suprapubic cystostomy, 2 patients by urethral alignment and 1 by combined perineal-transpubic urethral repair; Incomplete urinary incontinence only in 1 patient. The successful rate of TUR for treating traumatic posterior urethral stricture was 60.0 %, and combined perineal-transpubic urethral repair and via perineal approach for urethral repair were 91.7 %. Incomplete urinary incontinence in 5 patients after the treatment of urethral stricture, still with perineal urethrostomy in 1. Conclusions: Appropriate initial treatment is important for the management of traumatic posterior urethral injury. In fresh cases, end to end anastomosis via suparpubic combined with perineal approach should be performed in complete urethral disruption if the conditions were allowed. For old urethral injury, internal urethrotomy is good for the majority of simple stricture. Transrpubic combined with perineal approach or transperineal approach is indicated for complex posterior urethral stricture or failure with TUR.
Journal of Clinical Urology
Urethral injury