1.IntroductionAnyone working in a systems electromagnetic compat-ibility environment is usually painfully aware of the fact that,often, the weakest link in the system is the cabling. Whetherthis is the cable or the connectors themselves, or more likelythe interface between the cable and the connectors where theremay be a poor connection of the cable screen, the ability ofcabling to leak or absorb spurious signals is a cause of muchEMC frustration. This section will address the basis of thecabling related EMI phenomenon and the best cabling practice.
Anyone working in a systems electromagnetic compatibility environment is usually painfully aware of the fact that, often, the weakest link in the system is the cabling. Whether this is the cable or the connectors themselves, or more likely the interface between the cable and the connectors where there may be a poor connection of the cable screen, the ability of cabling to leak or absorb spurious signals is a cause of much EMC frustration. This section will address the basis of the cabling related EMI phenomenon and the best cabling practice.
The World of Inverters