Aims and Scope China PARTICUOLOGY, a bimonthly in English, purports to present .the best papers in research, engineering and application in the overall field of PARTICUOLOGY, including particle characterization, particle preparation, aerosol, fluidization and ultra-fine particles. The journal includes the following sections: articles, R & D notes, current events, editorials, reviews, forum for comments, opinions and qualified speculations, news on books, instruments and meetings.
Aims and Scope China PARTICUOLOGY, a bimonthly in English, purports to present .the best papers in research, engineering and application in the overall field of PARTICUOLOGY, including particle characterization, particle preparation, aerosol, fluidization and ultra-fine particles. The journal includes the following sections: articles, R & D notes, current events, editorials, reviews, forum for comments, opinions and qualified speculations, news on books, instruments and meetings.