
新型半导体断路开关及其脉冲功率发生器 被引量:2

A New Semiconductor Opening Switches and Its Pulse Power Generator
摘要 基于半导体断路开关(SOS)的脉冲功率发生器是一种新型的全固态开关系统,具有输出脉冲电压高、使用寿命长、可靠性和重复率高的特点。本文详细介绍了SOS效应与断路开关的工作原理,研究了基于SOS的脉冲功率发生器电路结构并对开关电流进行仿真,仿真结果与国外器件的实测特性相近。 Pulse power generator based on Semiconductor Opening Switches (SOS) is an all solid state switching system, the opening switch has exhibited good operation stability and high reliability. SOS generators have the output voltage from 0.1 to 1MV, the pulse repetition frequency from 0.1 to 5kHz. This paper describes the principle of opening switch and the SOS effect in detail. Based on simplified SOS equivalent circuit model the simulation results is similar to the tested results in Russia.
机构地区 华中科技大学
出处 《电力电子》 2005年第3期57-60,共4页 Power Electronics
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