
矿物尘粒对大肠埃希菌作用的体外研究 被引量:3

Effects of Mineral Dusts on Escherichia Coli in vitro
摘要 目的研究来自全国各地的含硅矿物尘粒对大肠埃希菌生长、代谢产物、酶及形态的影响,从而探讨矿物尘粒对大肠埃希菌作用的机制。方法分析矿物尘粒主要物理组成及化学成分,测定大肠埃希菌数量、培养基pH值、钙离子(Ca2+)、镁离子(Mg2+)、葡萄糖(GLU)、丙酮酸的含量、β-半乳糖苷酶的活力,扫描电镜观察大肠埃希菌的形态变化。结果矿物尘粒物理组成基本一致,化学成分各不相同;含Ca2+或Mg2+高的矿物尘粒能使大肠埃希菌数量、丙酮酸含量增加,使β-半乳糖苷酶的活力增强,并能增加大肠埃希菌对GLU的利用;各矿物尘粒均可引起大肠埃希菌形态的变化。结论含Ca2+或Mg2+高的矿物尘粒能促进大肠埃希菌的生长代谢。 Objective To study the effects of quartz-containing mineral dusts from different places on the metabolism, metabolite, enzyme and morphology of Escherichia coli in vitro. Methods The major physical and chemical composition of mineral dusts were analyzed and the changes in number of Escherichia coli, pH, the contents of Ca^2+ , Mg^2+ , GLU, pyruvic acid and activity of β-galalactosidase in the culture medium were observed. The technique of scanning electron microscopy was used to examine the change in morphology of Escherichia coll. Results Physical properties of the dusts were nearly the same, while the chemical composition was not. The mineral dusts containing high Ca^2+ or Mg^2+ could increase the number of Escherichia coli, the content of pyruvic acid, the activity of β-galalactosidase and to improve the utilization of GLU. All mineral dusts could change the morphology of Escherichia coll. Conclusions It suggests that the mineral dusts containing high Ca^2+ or Mg^2+ could promote metabolism of Escherichia coll.
出处 《工业卫生与职业病》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第5期279-282,共4页 Industrial Health and Occupational Diseases
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(40072020)
关键词 大肠埃希菌 矿物尘粒 丙酮酸 Β-半乳糖苷酶 葡萄糖 CA^2+ MG^2+ Escherichia coli Mineral dusts Pyruvic acid β-galalactosidase GLU Ca^2+ Mg^2+
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