

In-situ Micro Confocal Raman Analysis of Brass Surface in the Process of Electrochemical Reaction
摘要 利用显微共焦拉曼光谱仪在线分析了在以十二烷基硫酸钠水溶液为电解液、石墨为辅助电极时电化学反应过程中黄铜表面化学成分的变化,进而分析了外加电压引起摩擦因数变化的机理。结果表明:外加电压对摩擦因数的控制主要通过对表面有机离子吸附膜的影响来实现;黄铜表面存在有机离子吸附或反应而形成的边界润滑膜时摩擦因数较低;黄铜表面不存在有机离子润滑膜而存在较多的氢氧根离子时摩擦因数较高;溶液的搅拌对电控摩擦的恢复有较重要的作用。 A micro confocal Raman spectrometer was used to detect the change of adsorbed films under electrochemical reaction on the brass surface used as cathode when the sodium dodecyl sulfate(SLS) solution was used as electrolyte and graphite was used as auxiliary anode. The mechanism of the effect of external voltages on friction were analysed. The results show that when there are organic films on metal surface, the friction is low ;when the outer potential increases the organic films decompose which leads to a high friction ;lubricant mixed can influence potential-induced friction resumptive speed.
出处 《润滑与密封》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第5期4-6,共3页 Lubrication Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(59975048) 863计划课题(2002AA423240).
关键词 显微拉曼光谱 电化学 摩擦 micro confocal Raman spectrometer electrochemistry friction
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