
10~16岁男女学生最大吸氧量比较 被引量:2

Comparison of the maximal oxygen uptake of male and female students between 10-16 years old
摘要 目的:探讨10~16岁的中小学男女学生有氧能力的年龄性别特征,以期为评价国内学生体质及运动选材、合理指导学生体育锻炼等提供一定的实验依据。方法:观察对象为1999/2003长沙矿山子第学校及第十九中等中学10岁、13岁、16岁男女学生150人。利用跑台及与之相连的气体分析仪,进行最大吸氧量的直接测定,同时测量心率、肺功能等指标,全部数据进行平均数、标准差、变异系数等的计算,对有关数据进行相关分析、t检验分析等。结果:纳入学生150人,取得完整资料的129人。①最大吸氧量绝对值:男孩10~16岁共增长1.56L/min,其中10~13岁增长0.62L/min,增长率为40.5%(P<0.001),13~16岁增长0.94L/min,增长率为43.7%(P<0.001);女孩10~16岁共增长0.65L/min,其中10~13岁增长0.58L/min(P<0.001),增长率为40.3%;13~16岁间增长0.07L/min(P>0.05),增长率为3.5%。②最大吸氧量相对值(VO2max/kg体质量):在10~13岁间男女VO2max/kg随年龄增长而增加,男孩增长8.0mL/kg·min(P<0.001),而女孩的增长却无显著意义(P>0.05);在13~16岁间男女VO2max/kg随年龄增长而降低,女孩降低10.1mL/kg·min(P<0.001),而男孩的降低却无显著意义(P>0.05)。③氧脉博(mL/次):不论男女氧脉搏均随年龄增长而增加,10~16岁男孩共增长7.4mL/次,其中10~13岁间增长2.6mL/次,增长率为34.7%(P<0.001),而13~16岁增长4.8mL/次,增长率47.5%(P<0.001);10~16岁女子总增长3.1mL/次,其中10~13岁增长2.5mL/次,增长率35.2%(P<0.001),13~16岁增长0.6mL/次,增长率为6.3%(P>0.05)。结论:不论男女最大吸氧量增长与身高增长快增期是相对应的。在青春期前和青春期前期,最大吸氧量绝对值无明显性别差异,只有在青春发育后期,男女之间才开始具有明显差异。男女每公斤体质量最大吸氧量发展受青春期影响。儿童少年氧脉搏的年龄性别特征与最大吸氧量绝对值年龄性别一致。 AIM: To investigate the age and gender characteristics of teenagers in aerobic work capacity, and offer certain experimental foundation for evaluating physical quality of students, athletic selection and reasonably guiding students to exercise. METHODS: Totally 150 male and female students of 10 to 16 years old were employed as subjects to determine the maximal oxygen uptake directly on controlled treadmill equipped with gas analysis system during the year of 1999 to 2003. The heart rate and pulmonary power of these subjects were also measured following conventional instruction. All of these obtained data were analyzed statistically. Correlation analysis and t-test were performed for some data. RESULTS: Of the 150 students, 129 cases with complete data were involved in the analysis of results.①The absolute values of VO2max (L per minute) were determined as (1.53±0.31 and 1.44±0.27 for boys and girls in 10 years old group, 2.15±0.38 and 2.02±0.32 for boys and girls in 13 years old group, 3.09±0.60 and 2.09±0.33 for boys and girls in 16 years old group, respectively. The relative value of VO2max were obtained as 52.0±6.1 and 50.0±4.8 for boys and girls in 10 years old group, 60.0±6.2 and 52.8±7.8 for boys and girls in 13 years old group, 55.5±7.8 and 42.7±6.3 for boys and girls in 16 years old group, respectively. The oxygen pulse was measured as 7.5±1.4 and 7.1±1.4 for boys and girls in 10 years old group, 10.1±1.7 and 9.6±1.5 for boys and girls in 13 years old group, 14.9±2.9 and 10.2±1.5 for boys and girls in 16 years old group, respectively. CONCLUSION: The increment of maximal oxygen uptake and the quick increase period of body height were relative either for the male or female. There was no significant gender difference in maximal oxygen uptake for the teenagers both in adolescence and preadolescence. However, the gender difference in maximal oxygen uptake was found for that in late adolescence stage. The development of maximal oxygen uptake per kilogram body mass was affected by adolescence. The age-gender characteristics of oxygen pulse for the young were found to accord with that of absolute maximal oxygen uptake.
作者 蔡秋 王翔
出处 《中国临床康复》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第32期196-198,共3页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation
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