
使用浮动车检测路网可达性及交通管理策略的研究 被引量:2

Research on the Assessment of Network Accessibility and Traffic Strategy using Probe Vehicle
摘要 合理的城市道路网结构以及相应的合理的交通管理策略,是缓解城市交通拥挤状况,促进城市健康发展的重要条件,合理、正确、有效地评价和分析道路网结构和现行交通管制方案,对城市道路改进和综合管理具有重要意义。本文在回顾以往评价路网性能的指标和方法的基础上,引入基于浮动车GPS/GIS数据的动态绕行效率的概念,提出了新的利用浮动车数据检测路网可达性、出行机动性,路网切换便捷度和交通管理策略合理性的方法,从浮动车数据的全新角度解释路网重要节点的连接方法和快速路封闭方法对出行的影响。最后利用西直门局部区域进行了示范,通过理论研究和实际应用,说明了利用浮动车GPS/GIS检测数据评估路网切换便捷度、交通管理合理性这一新方法是有效和具有发展前景的。 The correct road network structure of city and effective traffic management strategy are the key factors, which can help to reduce urban traffic congestion and promote city development. Therefore, it is of great importance to research on the effective methods for evaluating the present city road network structure and traffic management performance, and improve the comprehensive management of city traffic. Based on the review of the previous research on method and indexes of network evaluation, the notion of dynamic routing efficiency based upon GPS/GIS data of probe vehicles was introduced in this paper. A method assessing the network's accessibility, mobility, switch convenience degree between different road and rationality of traffic strategy was developed. This new approach explains the influence resulting from the structure of road key node and entrance limitation of freeway from the probe vehicle data-a new point of view with great research significance. A example based on Xizhimen local district was given at the end of the paper, the theoretic research and the application has shown the efficiency and prospect on research of this new approach..
出处 《ITS通讯》 2005年第2期20-24,共5页
关键词 可达性 切换便捷度 绕行效率 浮动车 交通管理策略 路网结构 数据检测 动车 GPS/GIS 城市道路 Accessibility, Switch convenience degree, Routing efficiency, Probe vehicle
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