
国外关于俾斯麦海外殖民原因研究撮要 被引量:1

Summary of Foreign Scholars' Research on the Causes of Bismark's Overseas Colonization
摘要 关于俾斯麦海外殖民的原因,国外持“外交优先”的学者多强调它是19世纪末帝国主义殖民扩张的重要组成部分,是俾斯麦实现欧洲外交均势目标的工具;而持“内政优先”的学者则从稳定现存的社会秩序、1884年帝国议会选举的策略考虑以及经济上寻求新的市场和原料产地等因素进行分析。 As for the causes of Bismark's overseas colonization, scholars from other countries who hold “diplomacy first” stress that the overseas colonization is an important part of the imperialist colonial expansion in the 19th century; a tool for Bismark to achieve his goal of diplomatic balance in Europe. But the scholars who hold “domestic affairs first” analyze the factors from the respects of the stabilization of the existing social order, the strategy of the election in the imperial parliament in 1884, and, economically, the finding of new markets and new bases for raw materials supply.
作者 陈从阳
机构地区 咸宁学院历史系
出处 《商丘师范学院学报》 CAS 2005年第4期53-56,共4页 Journal of Shangqiu Normal University
基金 咸宁学院校级科研项目(KW0401)
关键词 俾斯麦 海外殖民 研究 Bismark colonization research
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