
白塞病42例临床分析 被引量:3

A Clinical Study on 42 Patients with Behcet's Disease
摘要 目的:探讨白塞病(BD)的临床特点。方法:回顾性分析42例BD患者的临床及实验室资料。结果:BD好发于青壮年,多慢性起病,可累及多个器官系统,各受累部位的频率依次为:口腔42例(100%),生殖器29例(69.0%),皮肤28例(66.7%),关节18例(42.9%),眼18例(42.9%),神经系统6例(14.3%),消化道4例(9.5%),大血管3例(7.1%),呼吸系统2例(4.8%),肾脏1例(2.4%),心脏1例(2.4%)。针刺反应阳性32例(76.2%)。皮肤组织活检12例,病理改变均符合皮肤血管炎。随访发现5例死亡个案中2例为BD肠病,1例为BD肺病,1例为BD脑病。结论:BD是一种以血管炎为基础的可累积全身多器官系统的免疫性疾病,重要脏器受累预后不良。皮质类固醇激素或联合应用免疫抑制剂有较好的临床疗效,但亦带来一定的副作用。 Objective:To investigate on the clinical characteristics and laboratory findings in patiets with Behcet's disease(BD). Methods: Retrospectively evaluated the clinical and laboratory data of 42 patients with BD. Results: Most cases in this group were middle - aged individuals with chronic onset. The prevalence of mucocutaneous lesions and systemic manifestations were as following :100% oral ulcer, 69% genital ulcer, 66.7% cutaneous lesions, 42. 9% articular involvement and 42.9% ocular involvement, 14.3% neurologic involvement, 9.5% gastrointestinal involvement, 7. 1% vascular involvement, 4.8% pulmonary involvement, 2.4% renal involvement and 2.4% cardiovascular involvement. 76. 2% of those cases were showed positive pathergy test . Histopathological finding revealed vasculitis. The follow -up showed that 2 patients died of gastrointestinal involvement, while another 2 cases died of pulmonary involvement and neurologic invovement respectively. Conclusion: Behcet' s disease is a disorder involved multisystem in which vasculitis is underlying histopathologic changes. Patients with vital organ involvements had a worse prognosis. Steroids combined with immunosuppressive agent were showed the good response, however some side -effects have to be monitored.
出处 《岭南皮肤性病科杂志》 2005年第3期199-201,204,共4页 Southern China Journal of Dermato-Venereology
关键词 白寒病 病例分析 Behcet's disease clinical study
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