

Several Progresses in the Study of Active Region Loops
摘要 日冕加热是太阳物理中一个基本问题。随着一批高性能仪器(如TRACE、SOHO、Yohkoh) 投入观测,作为太阳日冕中一种基本结构的冕环,其观测资料日益丰富。冕环加热是日冕加热的一个重要组成部分,越来越得到人们的重视。在简要介绍冕环最新观测和研究进展后,以其一维模型为基础,着重讨论了现有冕环加热结构和加热机制的研究进展。 Coronal heating is an important problem in solar physics. With the development of highly qualified instruments, such as TRACE, SOHO and Yohkoh, more and more observational data about coronal loops have been obtained. The coronal loops' heating, being an important ingredient of coronal heating, has been paid more and more attentions recently. Still, there are many problems unresolved. In this paper, after the general overview on the latest progress in both observations and modeling of coronal loops, we emphatically discuss the heating structures and mechanisms of coronal loops based on the 1D model. The prospects of the subject are presented as well.
作者 封莉 甘为群
出处 《天文学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第3期215-225,共11页 Progress In Astronomy
关键词 天体物理学 冕环 综述 日冕 日冕加热 冕环动力学 astrophysics coronal loops review corona coronal heating coronal loops dynamics
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