Economic law, a new departmental law, faces many problems both in theory and in practice, of which the most important is the testimony of the justice of economic law. The relevant scholars share the same view that the two traditional research approaches, the adjustment of market malfunctions and the pursuit of real justice, aim at the testimony of the justice of the state' s intervention in its economy and its economic law. There is an ignored problem in these two traditional approaches, that is, the state's intervention aims at restoring efficiency and realizing real justice. However, the state's intervention in the market cannot replace the market mechanism itself. This means that on the one hand the state' s intervention should take the specific malfunctions into account and offer suitable solutions based on actual situations and on the other hand in the process of realizing real justice, the organic combination of realizing efficiency and justice to realize the efficiency - oriented jusrice. Only in this way can economic law expect to realize its internal theoretic unity.
Journal of Yunnan Minzu University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)