

The Condition for the Normality of Arc-transitive Circulant Graphs of order Prime-squared
摘要 群G关于S的有向Cayley图X=Cay(G,S)称为pk阶有向循环图,若G是pk阶循环群.利用有限群论和图论的较深刻的结果,对p2阶弧传递(有向)循环图的正规性条件进行了讨论,证明了任一p2阶弧传递(有向)循环图是正规的当且仅当(|Aut(G,S)|,p)=1. A Cayley graph X = Cay(G, S) of group G with respect to S is called a circulant digraph of order p^k if G is a clrculant group of order p^k Disscussed in this paper is the condition for a circulant (di)graph of order p^2 to be normal. We prove that a circulant (di)graph of order p^2 is normal if and only if (|Aut(G,S)|, p) = 1.
作者 李学文
出处 《数学的实践与认识》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第8期233-238,共6页 Mathematics in Practice and Theory
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(103710003)
关键词 CAYLEY图 正规CAYLEY图 弧传递循环图 有向循环图 正规性条件 传递 有向Cayley图 有限群论 循环群 k阶 Cayley graph normal Cayley graph arc-transitive circulant graph
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