Foreign Medical Sciences(Section of Blood Transfusion and Heanatology)
1Hess G, Rose P, Gamm H, et al. Molecular analysis of the erythropoietin receptor system in patients with polycythaemia vera. Br J Haematol, 1994, 88(4):794-802.
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3Le Blanc K, Andersson P, Samuelsson J. Marked heterogeneity in protein levels and functional integrity of the thrombopoietin receptor e-mpl in polycythaemia vera. Br J Haematol, 2000, 108(1) :80-85.
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5Passamonti F, Pietra D, Malabarba L, et al. Clinical significance of neutrophil CD177 mRNA expression in Ph-negative chronic myeloproliferative disorders. Br J Haematol, 2004, 126(5) : 650-656.
6Stroncek DF, Caruccio L, Bettinotti M. CD177: A member of the Ly-6 gene superfamily involved with neutrophil proliferation and polycythemia vera. J Transl Med, 2004, 2(1).-8.
7Tefferi A, Lashoexpression acrossTL, Wolanskyj AP, et al. Neutrophil PRV-1 the chronic myeloproliferative disorders and in secondary or spurious polycythemia. Blood, 2004, 103(9):3547-3548.
8Najfeld V, Fuehs S, Merando P, et al. Fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis of the PRV-1 gene in polycythemia vera:implications for its role in diagnosis and pathogenesis. Exp Hematol, 2003, 31(2):118-121.
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10Cortes J, Giles F, O'Brien S, et al. Results of imatinib mesylate therapy in patients with refractory or recurrent acute myeloid leukemia, high-risk myelodysplastie syndrome, and myeloproliferative disorders. Cancer, 2003, 97(11):2760-2766.
1马怀安,熊丽丽,张长军,李琴,许子华.活血化瘀法对真性红细胞增多症CD34^+细胞凋亡的影响[J].中国中医基础医学杂志,2007,13(6):447-448. 被引量:5
4尹艳,孙凤,王红,孙岸弢.真性红细胞增多症中医治疗近况[J].中医药信息,2000,17(1):14-15. 被引量:3
5白洁,邵宗鸿,刘鸿,施均,何广胜,曹燕然,涂梅峰,崔振珠,贾海蓉,孙娟,钱林生,杨天楹,杨崇礼.真性红细胞增多症患者骨髓CD_(34)阳性细胞凋亡及增殖特征研究[J].中华血液学杂志,2004,25(4):195-197. 被引量:6
2周己扬,王嫱,刘欣,张会永,刘宝文.基于数据挖掘的刘宝文教授治疗骨髓增殖性疾病用药特色分析[J].世界中医药,2016,11(3):550-553. 被引量:3
3明静,李芋锦,杨二鹏,王子卿,刘为易,胡晓梅.基于数据挖掘及网络药理学探讨胡晓梅主任治疗真性红细胞增多症的用药规律及机制[J].天津中医药,2021,38(11):1463-1471. 被引量:5
2钟涵,冯文莉.慢性粒细胞性白血病急变的分子机制[J].生命的化学,2011,31(4):536-539. 被引量:5
4李吉满,刘卫平.髓系肉瘤的临床病理特征与研究进展[J].临床与实验病理学杂志,2006,22(1):91-95. 被引量:23
6米丰年,李丽,张晓敏.活血化瘀治疗原发性血小板增多症3例[J].牡丹江医学院学报,2004,25(6):28-29. 被引量:1
9何丽,汤静,卜亚静,汤屹,孟力.PI3K/Akt信号转导通路在慢性髓性白血病中的作用[J].中华血液学杂志,2013,34(1):80-82. 被引量:1
10那立军,马洪.30例骨髓增生性疾病JAK2V617F基因突变检测分析[J].黑龙江医学,2013,37(6):401-402. 被引量:1