Foreign Medical Sciences(Section of Blood Transfusion and Heanatology)
1Alison M, John N,Shaun B, et al. Targeted therapies in myeloid leukemia. Semin Cancer Biol, 2004,14 ( 1 ) : 41-62.
2Liu P, Han ZC. Treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia and other hematologic malignancies with arsenic trioxide: review of clinical and basic studies. Int J Hematol, 2003,78(1):32-39.
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4Raffoux E, Rousselot P, Poupon J, et al. Combined treatment with arsenic trioxide and all-transretinoic acid in patients with relapsed acute promyelocytic leukemia. J Clin Oncol, 2003, 21(12) : 2326-2334.
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6Dagher R, Cohen M, Williams G, et al. Approval summary:imatinib mesylate in the treatmentof metastatic and/or unresectable malignant gastrointestinal stromal tumors. Clin Cancer Res ,2002,8(10) : 3034-3038.
7George D. Targeting PDGF receptors in cancer-rationales and proof of concept clinical trials. Adv Exp Med Biol, 2003, 532:141-151.
8Apperley JF, Gardembas M, Melo JV, et al. Response to imatinib mesylate in patientswith chronic myeloproliferative diseases with rearrangements of the platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta. N Engl J Med, 2002,347(7):481-487.
9Thiede C, Steudel C, Mohr B,et al. Analysis of FLT3-activating mutations in 979 patientswith acute myelogenous leukemia:association with FAB subtypes and identification of subgroups with poor prognosis. Blood,2002,99(12) :4326-4335.
10Gutkind JS. Cell growth control by G protein-coupled receptors:from signal transduction to signal integration. Oncogene, 1998,17(11):1331-1342.
1靳凤艳,邹德慧,王国蓉,徐燕,冯四洲,赵耀中,韩明哲,严文伟,邱录贵.成人急性淋巴细胞白血病缓解后化疗和自体造血干细胞移植疗效的比较[J].中华血液学杂志,2005,26(11):645-648. 被引量:17
1王辰生,李红方,梁冰锋.胃癌及区域淋巴结中Fas和FasL的表达与临床生物学行为关系研究[J].河北医药,2013,35(11):1637-1639. 被引量:1
5赵艳霞,刘文励.血液系统恶性疾病的蛋白组学研究[J].临床血液学杂志,2005,18(5):314-316. 被引量:1
7黄猛.后基因组时代药物研究的新领域——蛋白质组学[J].中国生化药物杂志,2004,25(2):109-111. 被引量:3
8孙丽,邹鹏.蛋白质芯片SELDI—TOF MS技术在肿瘤蛋白质组学的研究进展[J].丹东医药,2006(2):5-8.
9程磊,周梁.蛋白质组学研究进展及在头颈肿瘤标志物筛选中的应用[J].国际耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志,2006,30(1):1-4. 被引量:1