
老年吸入性肺炎34例临床分析 被引量:6

Clinical Analysis of 34 Elderly Cases of Aspiration Pneumonia
摘要 目的探讨老年吸入性肺炎临床特点及治疗方法。方法对34例老年吸入性肺炎临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果34例老年吸入性肺炎中,32例无明确吸入史,合并2种以上疾病者26例;以精神萎靡为主要表现者14例;混合感染11例;死亡5例。结论老年吸入性肺炎以隐性吸入者居多,临床表现不典型,死亡率高。应以多环节、综合治疗为主。 Objective To probe into the clinic features and treatment of aspiration pneumonia in elderlypatients. Methods To retrospectively analyse the clinical information. Results 32 cases were without definite aspiration history and 26 cases suffered originally from more than two other diseases. 14 cases mainiy behaved as listlessness while there were 11 cases of mixed infection and 5 death cases. Conclusion Aspiration pneumonia of the elderly is mainiy recessive, with untypical clinical symptom and high mortality rate, which mainiy requires multiple-sector and integrative therapies.
出处 《河南科技大学学报(医学版)》 2005年第3期188-189,共2页 Journal of Henan University of Science & Technology:Medical Science
关键词 老年 吸入性肺炎 临床分析 the elderly aspiration pneumonia clinical analysis
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