江西省地质灾害发育,是我国地质灾害最严重的12个省份之一,自20世纪90年代以来,地质灾害发生的频率越来越高。据已开展的34个县(市)地质灾害调查(截止至2003年底)资料统计:全省崩、滑、流、地面塌陷等突发性地质灾害点共10 163点。规模一般较小,但造成的损失大。影响地质灾害形成的主要因素为地形地貌、岩土体类型、地质构造、地下水、降雨、人为工程活动等。江西省中低山及丘陵地形面积大,山坡坡度较大;岩浆岩类、变质岩类、碳酸盐岩类分布面积广,岩石较为破碎,残坡积层与强风化层相对较厚;断裂构造较为发育;人为工程活动频繁;这些为地质灾害的形成提供了必要条件。对地质灾害的发育特征及成因进行分析,有利于地质灾害的防治,有利于保障人民生命财产安全及社会的稳定。
There are developed geologic hazards in Jiangxi province. Geologic hazards become more and more frequent since 90s' in twenty centuries. In the light of statistical information about geologic hazards investigation of 34 counties by the end of 2003, It is shown that there is total 10163 spots of paroxysmal geologic hazards including landslide, landfall, debris flow, cave-in of the groundetc in the province. The scales are usually small, but the damage is tremendous. The main factors of impacting geologic formation are geomorphological type, rock type and soil mass, geologic structure, ground-water, rainfall and mankind activities. The paper focus on the fundamental features and formations of geological hazards, treatment methods. Key words: paroxysma- geologic hazard
Journal of Geological Hazards and Environment Preservation