3Gerard Genette, Narrative Discourse, Trans. by Jane E. Lewin, Ithaca: Comdl University Press, 1980,pp. 243 -245.
4Gerald Prince, A Dictionary of Narratology, Lincoln & London: University of Nebraska, 1987,pp. 40-41.
5Geneue, pp. 189 - 190.
6Prince, pp. 32 -330.
8James K. Bowen and Richard Van Der Beets,American Short Fictions: Readings and Criticism, New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1985, pp. 240-241, p. 239.
9Shlomith Rimmon - Kenan, Narrative Fiction: Contemporary Poetics, London & New York : Methuen, p. 46.
3HU Lidan College of Foreign Languages and Cultures,Sichuan University.The Narrator in Look Homeward,Angel[J].Comparative Literature:East & West,2010(2):154-163.