4Theodore Ziolkowski, ed. , Hermann Hesse: A Collectionof Critical Essays, New Jersey : Prentice - Hall, Inc. ,1973, p. 18.
5Nina Baym, ed.The Norton Anthology of American Literature, 5^th ed. , N.Y. : Norton& Company, Inc. , Vol. 2, 1998, pp. 911 -921.
6Hermann Hesse, If the War Goes On: Reflections on War and Politics, Ralph Manheim, trans. , N. Y. : Farrar,Straus and Giroux, 1970/71, pp. 79 -85.
7Krystyna Devert, "Hermann Hesse: Apostle of the Apolitical ' Revolution' " in TriQuarterly. Winter/Spring, 1972, pp. 302-17, pp. 302-17.
8黑塞 王卫新译.《梦系青春》 (原名《德米安》)[M].同济大学出版社,1989年12月..
9Kurt J. Fiekert, "The Development of the Outsider Concept in Hesse's Novels," in Monatshefie, U. of Wisconsin, Vol. 52, No. 4, April-May, 1960, pp. 171 -780.
10Felix Anselm, "Hennmm Hesse," in Poet Lore, Vol. LIII, No. 4, Winter, 1947, pp. 353-60.