目的分析X线头影测量参数ANB角与Wits值在评价安氏Ⅱ类错(牙合)颌骨矢状位置不调中的差异.方法为84例青少年安氏Ⅱ类与40例安氏Ⅰ类错(牙合)患者正畸治疗前拍摄X线头颅侧位片,选择与ANB角和Wits值相关的十项头影测量项目,将安氏Ⅱ类错(牙合)患者分为两组后与安氏Ⅰ类错(牙合)组进行单因素方差分析.结果 ANB角与Wits值在评价安氏Ⅱ类错(牙合)颌骨矢状位置不调时具有显著性差异;差值较大组,(牙合)平面较陡,矢状不调更显严重.结论患者颌骨矢状不调较严重且(牙合)平面较陡者,ANB角与Wits值差异较大,ANB角更能反映其真实性.
Objective To investigate the differences between ANB angle and Wits appraisal in the skeletal estimation of Class Ⅱ patients. Methods The sample consists of 40 patients with Class Ⅰ malocclusion and 84 patients with Class Ⅱ malocclusion. Ten parameters related to ANB angle and Wits appraisal were measured. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to compare the variables between Class Ⅰ and Class Ⅱ malocclusion. Results Significant differences between ANB angle and Wits appraisal in the skeletal estimation of Class Ⅱ patients were found. Conclusions In Class Ⅱ patients with a large occlusal plane angle, the ANB angle is a more critical cephalometric parameter than the Wits appraisal.
Chinese Journal of Orthodontics