After more than ten years' development, China's home appliance chain market has entered into a 'Grow big or die' phase, and only those fast-growing companies of considerable scale could have the opportunities to win the race. Be aware of this situation. Many industry players, including Gome, Suning, Yongle, Dazhong and Wuxing, etc., announced a series of expansion plans, resulting in face-to-face competitions for market share in some of China's first-tier cities. In spite of the ever-increasing competition, some Capital still endeavors to enter the big market whose size is hovering at RMB 400 billion (about 50 billion USD). According to statistics, the sales through home appliance chains were only 38% of total sales in China in 2004, and most of the second- and third-tier cities are still not occupied by those market giants, leaving ample space for those new comers to develop. To expand as quickly as possible, many industry players are trying their best to get listed on capital markets, and utilizing acquisitions as one of the most important way of expansion. Being listed on capital markets could give the chains a platform to raise money which can be used to further accelerate the expansion, and acquisitions would save much time for fast-growing players.
China Science and Technology Fortune Magazine