A motion planning strategy. tor the assembly task of inserting a dissymmetrical T-snaped putt into a C-shaped slot is presented. The coarse motion planning strategy is expounded by geometric reasoning. A medial axis diagram decreases the unnecessary configuration states and optimizes the planning strategy. Due to the uncertainties, force sensing and force control is indispensable for motion planning. Combining the coarse motion planning strategy with fine motion planning strategy, the task of assembling a dissymmetrical T-shaped part can be completed successfully.
A motion planning strategy for the assembly task of inserting a dissymmetrical T-shaped part into a C-shaped slot is presented. The coarse motion planning strategy is expounded by geometric reasoning. A medial axis diagram decreases the unnecessary configuration states and optimizes the planning strategy. Due to the uncertainties, force sensing and force control is indispensable for motion planning. Combining the coarse motion planning strategy with fine motion planning strategy, the task of assembling a dissymmetrical T-shaped part can be completed successfully.