Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC) countries, which include Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, the State of Qatar, the Kingdom of Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates and Oman Sudan, covering an area of about 2.66 l06 km2and having a population of 29 million, were mainly those of traditional farming, animal husbandry and fishery. However, petroleum exploiting and exporting have made them quickly become modem developed countries. Therefore, many countries all over the world are competing in attracting the tourists from the GCC, where the per capita GNP and disposable income occupy one of the front ranks in the world. The natural environment, religion and culture in Western China are similar and correlative to those of the GCC countries. As a result, Western China has preponderant conditions to attract visitors from the GCC. Exploitation of the GCC tourism market would bring important effects to the tourism and economic development in Western China.
Tropical Geography