Abstract Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden, one of the most fast-growing and mostwidely planted eucalyptus in the world, introduced into many tropical and subtropicalcountries and made progress in genetic improvement. The geographic variation andprovenance studies are the basis of genetic improvement for E. grandis. More emphasisshould be given to population reproductive and ecological habits in the research on ge-ographic variation and provenance triales of the species. Biologyclimate analysis is abetter way for studying provenance variation and ecocline of the species. Some populations of the species present the mixed ploymorphology and hence the higher genetic gainin advanced generation breeding can be achieved by recurrent selection system and giverise to additional genetic gain in operational seed orchard by using the clonal materialsfrom selected families and individuals. A probably optimum improvement program is developed in terms of fast, sirnple and effective tree improvement principle.
World Forestry Research