目的探求一种简便、适用治疗32~36周胎膜早破的方法.方法我们应用B超监测、经腹行动静脉留置针穿刺,间断滴注林格氏液治疗32~36周胎膜早破,同时选取基本相同背景,未经治疗的病例作为对照.结果经过治疗后的病例自然促发产程的比例升高,剖宫产率下降,分娩时羊水情况明显改善,新生儿阿氏评分高、病死率下降.结论 B超监测下,经腹羊膜腔内滴注林格氏液治疗32~36周胎膜早破,是一种简单、有效、适用和有广泛前景的方法.
Objective To discuss a easy and available method to treat the premature rupture of membrane(PROM) at 32 ~ 36 w. Methods Under B ultrasound monitor, the venous permanent needle was aeupunetured through abdomen and injected ringer' s solution intermission for 32~ 36 w premature rupture of membrane patient and same condition patient as control. Results The nature delivery rate was increased and cesarean ratio decreased. The amniotie situation was improved at delivery with higher Aphgar' s score and low mortality. Conclusion This method could be simple, effective and available with bright future.
Heilongjiang Medical Journal