
脂肪肝患者健康教育需求分析及护理对策 被引量:5

Analysis of Educational Needs in Patients with Fatty Liver and Nursing Strategies
摘要 目的对脂肪肝患者的健康需求进行分析。方法对2004年1月至2004年11月在我院脂肪肝特需门诊就诊的208位脂肪肝患者以答卷的形式调查有关脂肪肝知识的了解情况。结果中青年、高学历、高职务、有饮酒和吸烟史的人患脂肪肝的概率高于普通人群,其中男性多见;大部分患者对脂肪肝的相关知识缺乏了解。结论控制饮食、减轻体重是治疗脂肪肝的基本措施;对脂肪肝患者进行健康教育十分必要。 Objective To analyze the educational needs in patients with fatty liver. Methods From January 2004 to November 2004,there were 208 patients who visited the ambulatory clinic of Renji Hospital for fatty liver,among whom a questionnaire survey was conducted about the knowledge of fatty liver. Results Most patients were young and middle aged males who had high level of education and position, and long histories of alcohol drinking and smoking. Most of the patients were lack of knowledge abont fatty liver. Conclusion There is no effective therapy for fatty liver at present. Dietary and weight control is the fundamental method, and therefore health education about fatty liver in this population is of primary significance in prevention of fatty liver.
作者 许美
出处 《解放军护理杂志》 2005年第9期31-32,共2页 Nursing Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army
关键词 脂肪肝 健康教育 护理对策 fatty liver health education nursing strategies
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