Objectives To evaluate the effect of the nerve block combined with anti- osteoporosis on the patients with low back pain and osteoporosis. Methods Of one hundred and twenty patients, were included in this study, forty patients who were diagnosed as osteoporosis by DEXA were divided into group NB+AO and group AO. Patients in the NB+AO first group (n=22) were given nerve block for their pain and medicines to improve bone mineral density (BMD). Whereas those in the laterAO group (n=18) were administered with medicines only. The other 80 patients without osteoporosis were treated by nerve block to control their low back pain. Results Patients with nerve block no matter combined with anti-osteoporosis or not got better pain relief than those without nerve block (P〈0.01). Medicines which improvesd osteoporosis could prevent loss of bone mineral during pain management by nerve block in patients with osteoporosis. Conclusions It wiII be effective and safe when patients with low back pain and osteoporosis treated with nerve block accompanied with medicine which improve osteoporosis.
Geriatrics & Health Care