
家兔胃外膜神经末梢感受器通路与皮部经络的相关实验 被引量:8

Correlation between pathway of gastric adventitial nerve ending receptors and dermal meridians
摘要 目的:观察内脏的感觉感受器通路网络,探讨家兔胃外膜的神经末梢感受器通路与皮部经络的关系。方法:实验于2004-10/11在连云港市第一人民医院肿瘤生物实验室完成。将4只家兔分别经胃体、胃底、贲门、幽门处的胃外膜注射神经追踪剂荧光素核黄逆行神经追踪,成活18~24h和30~36h后,分别取C2~L5脊神经节、颈、胸交感神经结、肠系膜下神经节、大脑、小脑、丘脑、脑干、脊髓、胃、小肠、心肌、肺、骶部骶脊肌、肝、膀胱、脾、腹主动脉、肠系膜下动脉、腹腔淋巴结、牵涉区部位的皮、骶部的皮及耳,冰冻连续切片,分别做成两套,一套蒸馏水贴片,直接在OlympusZX-004荧光显微镜下观察,另一套苏木精-伊红染色后在荧光显微镜下观察其是否与皮内感受器通路相关。结果:4只家兔均成功取材,共获得胶片288张。①追踪18~24h在C3~L3脊神经节发现标记细胞,以T3~T12标记细胞较多;在颈、胸交感神经节及肠系膜下神经节发现标记细胞;在胃黏膜下标记到副交感神经元;在小肠黏膜及黏膜下标记到大量的节细胞;在脊髓前、后角、骶脊肌的肌膜、胃、膀胱壁的外膜和黏膜、心肌的内、外膜,腹主动脉、肠系膜动脉壁的内、外膜以及皮内毛细血管袢发现有荧光密集区。大脑、小脑、丘脑、脑干没有见到明显的荧光密集区。②追踪30~36hC3~T2脊神经节标记细胞大部分消失,T3~T10仍较多,在颈、胸交感神经节及肠系膜下神经节发现的标记细胞与追踪18~24h相似,荧光密集区的部位同追踪18~24h。结论:家兔胃外膜神经末梢感受器通路网络主要在脊髓及脊髓前,与高位中枢关系不大。胃外膜的神经末梢感受器通路网络与胃牵涉区皮肤末梢感受器通路网络在脊神经节、交感神经节及节后神经元相互重叠,其末梢感受器上、下行通路网络在脊髓前、后角、骶脊肌的肌膜、胃、膀胱壁的外膜和黏膜、心肌的内、外膜,腹主动脉、肠系膜动脉壁的内、外膜以及皮内毛细血管袢等部位的相互重叠,为皮部经络学说提供了又一形态学资料。 AIM: To investigate the pathway net of visceral receptors and probe into the correlation of pathway of gastric adventitial nerve ending receptors with the dermal meridians. METHODS: The experiment was conducted in the Biomedical Laboratory for Tumors of the Lianyungang First People's Hospital between October and November 2004. Reverse neural trace was performed by gastric adventitial injection of fluorescent riboflavin(a kind of neural tracers) in the gastric corpus, gastric fundus, cardia and pylorus of 4 rabbits. After the rabbits survived 18 to 24 hours and 30 to 36 hours, frozen serial sections were made in C2 to L5 spinal ganglia, cervical and thoracic sympathetic ganglia, inferior mesentetic ganglion, cerebrum, cerebellum, thalamus, brain stem, spinal cord, stomach, small intestine, myocardium, lung, sacral spinal muscle in sacrum, liver, urinary bladder, spleen, abdomial aorta, inferior mesentetic artery, abdominal lymph node, dermis in the involved region, dermis and ear in sacrum respectively. The sections were made into 2 seties: one was stuck in the distilled water, and then observed under an Olympus ZX-004 fluorescence microscope directly, and the other was stained with hematoxylin and eosin, and then observed under the fluorescence microscope to determine whether they were associated with the pathway of intracutaneous receptors. RESULTS: All the rabbits were sampled successfully, and 288 pieces of films were gotten.①At 18 to 24 hours after trace, labeled cells were found in the C3 to L3 spinal ganglia, especially more in the T3 to T12 spinal ganglia; labeled cells were also found in cervical and thoracic sympathetic ganglia, and inferior mesentetic ganglion; Parasympathetic neurons were labeled below gastric mucous membrane; A lot of ganglion cells were labeled on and below small intestinal mucous membrane; Dense fluorescence was found in the anterior and posterior horn of spinal cord, sarcolemma of sacral spinal muscle, adventitia and mucous membrane of stomach and urinary bladder walls, myocardial endomettia and adventitia, abdomial aorta, adventitia and mucous membrane of mesentetic artery walls, and ansa of intracutaneous blood capillary, however, dense fluorescence was not found in the cerebrum, cerebellum, thalamus and brain stem. ②At 30 to 36 hours after trace, most of the labeled cells in the C3 to T3 spinal ganglia disappeared, especially in the T3 to T10 spinal ganglia; Labeled cells in cervical and thoracic sympathetic ganglia, and inferior mesenteric ganglion were similar to that at 18 to 24 hours after trace, and the region of densefluorescence was the same as that at 18 to 24 hours after trace. CONCLUSION: The pathway net of gastric adventitial nerye ending receptors of rabbits were mainly located in and before the spinal cord, but not associated with high center, and it was inter-overlapped with the pathway net of gastric adventitial nerve ending receptors in the involved region at spinal ganglia, sympathetic ganglia and the neurons of posterior sympathetic ganglia. The upper and lower gastric adventitial nerve ending receptors were inter-overlapped at anterior and posterior horn of spinal cord, sarcolemma of sacral spinal muscle, adventitia and mucous membrane of stomach and urinary bladder walls, myocardial endometria and adventitia, abdomial aorta, adventitia and mucous membrane of mesenteric artery walls, and ansa of intracutaneous blood capillary, which will provide another morphological data for the dermal meridian doctrine.
出处 《中国临床康复》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第30期125-127,i0004,共4页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30271260) 江苏高校省级重点实验室第三批对外开放课题(K2093) 江苏省科技厅指导计划课题(BS2002305) 连云港市科技局课题(SH0408)~~
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