
氧化物热电材料NaCo_2O_4的研究 被引量:3

Study on the oxide thermoelectric materials NaCo_2O_4
摘要 综述了氧化物热电材料的热电性能影响因素,说明了NaCo2O4的结构、性质及提高热电性能的途径,介绍了国内外最新制备NaCo2O4的NaCo2O4单晶的制备法、固相反应法、PC法、CAC法。为了进一步研究氧化物NaCo2O4的热电性能,详细分析掺杂位置和可能掺杂的元素以及不同Na位含量对NaCo2O4热电性能的影响,并对NaCo2O4的热电材料应用前景进行了展望。 This paper expounds the thermoelectric effective factors, international research status, structure and the properties of the NaCo2O4, and analyses how to improve the thermoelectric properties, and then introduces the present synthesis methods of NaCo2O4, such as, single crystal method, solid state reaction, polymerized complex, citric acid complex. To enhance the thermoelectric: properties of the NaCo2O4, effects of the substitution of Na-sites and Co-sites and the content of Na on the thermoeleetrie performance of NaCo2O4 are reviewed. Finally some aspects for NaCo2O4 research are also proposed.
出处 《兵器材料科学与工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第5期69-73,共5页 Ordnance Material Science and Engineering
关键词 NaCo2O4 热电性能 制备工艺 掺杂 Na位含量 NaCo2O4 thermoelectric properties preparation methods substitution Na-siie content
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