目的调查新入学大学生的体质指数和营养状况.方法统计上海某大学2001 ~ 2003年秋季本专科入学新生2 585例,测得身高、体重、脂肪含量等,按照BMI=体重(kg)/身高2(m2)计算获得BMI值.结果BMI值小于18.5 kg/m2的学生占26.1%,BMI值大于24 kg/m2者占15.6%,其中男生组BMI值小于18.5 kg/m2者人数百分比较女生组少,男生组BMI值大于24 kg/m2者人数百分比较女生组多.结论在新入学大学生中,体型异常者约占总人数的40%,对该人群进行一定的营养指导,并进行长期的随访监测,以期改善其体型与营养状况.
Objective To survey body mass index (BMI) and nutritional statu Among 2 585 university freshmen in Shanghai, 2001--2003, their height and we of ght university freshmen. Methods were measured, and BMI (kg/ m^2) was calculated. The following body weight categories were used to assess nutritional prevalence: overweight ( BMI ≥24 kg/m^2 ) , obesity ( BMI ≥28 kg/m^2 ) and underweight ( BMI 〈 18.5 kg/m^2 ). Results The percentage of BMI less than 18.5 kg/m^2 or more than 24 kg/m^2 was 26.1% , 15.6% , respectively. The percentage of BMI less than 18.5 kg/m^2 was lower in male than in female, and more than 24 kg/m^2 was much higher in males than in females. Conclusion About 40% freshmen have abnormal BMI. This portion of population requires our best to regard their nutritional counseling and regular interval monitor to improve their body built and nutritional status.
Acta Universitatis Medicinalis Secondae Shanghai