
可食性复合涂膜保鲜剂对延长鲜切苹果货架期的研究 被引量:2

Study on extending shelf-life of fresh-cut apples with edible coatings complex preservative
摘要 本文主要研究了可食性涂膜剂与抗褐变剂复配后对3℃条件下贮存2周的鲜切苹果的保鲜效果。研究表明:25℃条件下,苹果切块经卡拉胶(0.5%)涂膜剂和乳清浓缩蛋白WPC(5%)涂膜剂处理后,其呼吸强度可分别降低5%和20%,可食性涂膜剂与抗褐变剂复配后,对3℃贮藏2周的苹果切块可明显延长其货架期,在涂膜剂中添加不同的抗褐变剂对苹果切块有良好的护色效果,添加1%CaC l2可增加产品的硬度,同时这些复合保鲜剂可提高苹果切块的感官指标和抑制微生物繁殖,而5%乳清浓缩蛋白+1%CaC l2+1%抗坏血酸复合液浸泡苹果切块,3℃条件贮藏2周后保鲜效果最佳。 Effect of edible coatings in combination with antibrowning agents on fresh-cut apple slices was studied during storage at 3℃ for 2 weeks. The results showed that the initial respiration rate was decreased by 5% and 20% in carrageenan (0.5%) -coated and whey protein concentrate (5%)-coated apples, respectively, at 25℃. Edible coatings in combination with antibrowning agents effectively prolonged the shelf-life of frush-cut apple slices by 2 week when stored in packed trays at 3℃. Addition of antibrowning agents to these coating solutions was advantageous in maintaining color during storage. Addition of CaCl2 (1% L) significantly inhibited the loss of firmness. These edible coatings in combination with antibrowning agents also showed positive sensory analysis results and beneficial reduction of microbial levels. WPC (5%) containing ascorbic acid (1%) plus CaCl2 (1%) was the most effective preservation treatment in terms of sensory quality after 2 weeks.
出处 《中国食品添加剂》 CAS 2005年第5期14-18,5,共6页 China Food Additives
关键词 鲜切苹果 可食性涂膜剂 呼吸强度 抗褐变剂 色泽 Fresh-cut apples Edible coatings Respiration rate Antibrowning agents Color
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