第三届欧亚道路运输大会即将召开。作为中国道路运输行业最重要的对外宣传窗口之一,中国道路运输杂志第九期开辟大会宣传专栏。中国道路运输协会秘书长、本刊社长王丽梅女士满怀激情回顾欧亚道路运输和中国道路运输改革发展历程,憧憬道路运输的美好前景;国际道路运输联合会秘书长马丁·玛米(Martin Marmy)先生非常愉快地接受本刊的邀请,撰文介绍国际道路运输联合会的组织结构和工作进展及发展目标;本刊的上海、广西、
The 3^rd IRU Euro-Asian Road Transport Conference is coming. As one of the most important magazines in the China road transport industry, China Road Transport magazine (CRTM) will add a specialized part for the conference promotion. As the secretary general of China Road Transport Association (CRTA), the director of the CRTM, Madam Wang Limei reviews the development of Euro-Asian road transport and China road transport with great passion and looks forward to the glorious future of the road transport.
China Road Transport