《木姐珠与斗安珠》是羌族的著名民间叙事长诗,是羌族重要的口头文学。笔者以该叙事诗流传的不同版本为依据, 从羌族的现实生活和精神世界两个方面展开论述,揭示出《木姐珠与斗安珠》所蕴涵的羌文化内涵:它不仅是羌族现实生活的反映,更是其精神世界的折射,两者水乳交融,缺一不可。在羌族的社会生产、生活中起着重要作用。
Mujizhu and Douanzhu is a famous folk epic of the Qiang people, and an important oral literature. On basis of different circulated editions of this epic, the author spreads his argument from the real life and spiritual life of the Qiang people, reveals the cultural connotations lying in this epic: this epic is not merely a reflection of real life, but also a refraction of the spiritual world of the Qiang people.