武术运动具有健身强体、防身自卫、健心益智、娱乐观赏、强化民族品德等作用。学生掌 握其知识技能是个循序渐进的过程,需要经过四个阶段的学习。在学习过程中,速度力量、柔韧、协 调、节奏和刚柔相济等方面的练习对大学生身心健康产生极其重要的影响针对不同的练习,应采用相
Martial arts play an effective role in health improvement, self-defense, cheerfulness of heart and mind, amusement and enjoyment, and intensity of the national moral character. Its basic skills should be mastered step by step through four periods. In the learning course, the exercises of speed, strength, pliancy and toughness, harmony, rhythm, and, toughness and gentleness, will lead to a great impact on the learners' physical and mental health. Thus, different teaching methods should be adopted in accordance with different exercises,
Journal of Nanning Junior Teachers College