Foreign Medical Sciences(Section On Neurology & Neurosurgery)
1M. Strowitzki,M. Kiefer,W. I. Steudel. Acute hydrocephalus as a late complication of hemispherectomy[J] 1994,Acta Neurochirurgica(3-4):253~259
1陈炳桓,杨炯达,王宜崇,李清海,徐宇伦,张天明.改进的大脑半球切除术治疗伴顽固性癫痫的婴儿脑性偏瘫(附14例报告)[J].中华神经外科杂志,1989,5(2):107-110. 被引量:18
2Chouinard PA,Paus T. The primary motor and premotor areas of the human cerebral cortex. Neuroscientist, 2006,12 : 143-152.
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5Jonas R, Nauyen S, Hu B, et al. Cerebral hemispherectomy: Hospital course, seizure, developmental, language, and motor outcomes. Neurology ,2004,62 : 1712-1721.
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8Victoria H, David GG, Faraneh VK, et al. The reorganization of sensorimotor function in children after hemispherectomy. A function MRI and somatosensory evoked potential study. Brain, 2000,123 : 2432-2444.
9Benecke R, Meyer BU, Freund HJ. Reorganisation of descending motor pathways in patients after hemispherectomy and severe hemispheric lesions demonstrated by magnetic brain stimulation. Exp Brain Res, 1991,83: 419-426.
10Bernasconi A, Bernasconi N, Lassonde M, et al. Sensorimotor organization in patients who have undergone hemispherectomy: a study with (15) O-water PET and somatosensory evoked potentials. Neuroreport, 2000,14 : 3085-3090.
2刘源,曲金荣,李少武,徐宇伦.大脑半球切除术后患者上肢运动功能定位及神经功能重塑性研究[J].中华外科杂志,2009,47(7):548-552. 被引量:2
3刘源,罗坤,张庭荣,徐宇伦,曲金荣,李少武.解剖性大脑半球切除术后病人上肢感觉功能定位研究[J].新疆医学,2009,38(7):31-34. 被引量:1
1王子德,乔慧,李萍,刘洋,刘源,姚宁,徐宇伦.解剖性大脑半球切除术后远期双上肢运动诱发电位的研究[J].中华外科杂志,2009,47(22):1715-1717. 被引量:1
2姚宁,吴量,邓晓峰,徐宇伦.大脑半球切除术后人体躯体感觉功能的脑磁图评价[J].国际神经病学神经外科学杂志,2010,37(1):34-38. 被引量:2
3梅珊珊,李云林,王晓飞,王波,代金东,张景,刘卫芳,陈卉.功能MRI对大脑半球弥漫性病变致癫痫患者的术前功能评估[J].中国临床神经外科杂志,2012,17(10):601-604. 被引量:2
1杨忠旭,栾国明.大脑半球切除术治疗癫痫再探讨[J].中华神经外科疾病研究杂志,2004,3(5):468-469. 被引量:2
2孙涛.大脑半球切除术研究进展[J].中华神经外科疾病研究杂志,2002,1(1):92-93. 被引量:6
3李东升,雷国亮,李玉辉,杨炯达.大脑半球切除术的历史与发展[J].中国临床神经外科杂志,2006,11(2):123-124. 被引量:3
4雷国亮,李东升,张成贵,李玉辉,李奎智,杨炯达.改良解剖性大脑半球切除术治疗婴儿偏瘫伴顽固性癫痫的疗效观察[J].中国临床神经外科杂志,2010,15(5):257-260. 被引量:6
5Others[J].China Medical Abstracts,2006,15(1):32-34.
6杨勇,鞠彦合,吴士良,段继宏,那彦群,郭应禄.膀胱颈悬吊术与尿道中段悬吊术治疗女性压力性尿失禁疗效比较[J].中华泌尿外科杂志,2005,26(7):480-482. 被引量:7
7荣卫华.锁骨钩钢板固定术治疗肩锁关节脱位的临床分析[J].医药论坛杂志,2014,35(12):120-121. 被引量:1
8王玉平.癫痫的外科治疗[J].实用医院临床杂志,2004,1(2):7-9. 被引量:4
10宫凡,张卫宁.大脑半球切除术[J].国外医学(神经病学.神经外科学分册),1996,23(1):23-26. 被引量:1