将贯彻 ISO9000质量管理标准作为医院管理改革的一项重要任务,护理部按照医院的统一部署,认真贯彻,组织落实,取得一定成效。实施办法:组织全体护士进行分层次培训,要求人人掌握标准;加强对标准落实的指导、检查和监督;深刻领会 ISO9000标准内涵,在质量持续改进上下功夫。体会:强调质量第一,使护理人员的质量意识得到明显增强;强调预防为主,使护理的诸环节始终处于受控状态;强调以病人为中心,使病人获得满意的护理服务。
We applied ISO9000 quality control standards in hospital management as one of important tasks in the reform of hospital management. The nursing department carried out and fulfilled the following measures, including organizing the nurses to receive training by levels to understand the standards, strengthening the direction,inspection and supervision of the implementation of the standards, comprehending the connotation of ISO9000 standards, and paying close attention to the constant improvement of quality ,which achieved good effect. From the practice,we realized that taking on the priority of quality could enhance the nurses' quality consciousness obviously, paying close attention to prevention could control the process of nursing constantly, emphasizing on the idea of patient - centered could make the patients to obtain satisfactory nursing service.
Journal of Nursing Administration