

Effect of lysed erythrocyte on brain edema after rat intracerebral hemorrhage
摘要 目的研究溶解红细胞对脑出血后脑水肿的影响。方法大鼠48只,随机分为3组:A组:生理盐水组,利用立体定向仪向大鼠右侧尾状核注入生理盐水50μl;B组:自体全血组,大鼠右侧尾状核注射自体全血50μl;C组:溶解红细胞组,大鼠右侧尾状核注射自体溶解红细胞50μl。用干湿重法、比色法、免疫组化法分别测定脑损伤程度及脑水肿程度。结果溶解红细胞组脑含水量:(82·3±1·84)%高于生理盐水组(77·5±1·55)%(P<0·05);溶解红细胞组脑伊文斯兰含量:(13·86±1·38)μg/g、HO-l染色阳性细胞数(17·88±5·30)个,均高于生理盐水组(4·43±0·86)μg/g、(0·38±0·52)个和自体全血组(11·76±1·15)μg/g、(9·75±2·82)个(P<0·05)。结论溶解红细胞在脑出血后脑水肿的形成中具有重要作用,相同时间内溶解红细胞造成的脑水肿大于自体全血。 Objective To study the effect of lysed erythrocyte on brain edema after rat intracerebral hemorrhage.Methods 48 healthy Wistar rats were distributed to 3 groups randomly, using stereotactic guidance to group A: infuse saline 50μl into the right caudate; group B: infuse rat self- body - blood 50 μl into the right caudate; group C: infuse antotolgous lysed erythrocyte 50μl into the right caudate; using dry - raw weighted method and immunhistochemical ABC raethod to observe degree of brain injury, and brain edema. Results The results of brain water content in group C is higher than group A, ( P 〈 0.05), the means of Evans blue contents and HO - 1 positive ceils in group C is higher ttran other groups, ( P 〈 0.05) . Conclusion Antologous lysed erythrocyte plays an important role in brain edema formation following ICH, the injury degree of lysed erythrocytes is more severe than selfbody blood.
出处 《实用神经疾病杂志》 2005年第5期1-3,共3页
关键词 溶解红细胞 大鼠 脑出血 脑水肿 血红素加氧酶 Intracerebral hemorrhage Brain edema Lysed erythrocyte Heme oxygenase- 1 (HO- 1)
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