
树立科学发展观 探索白酒行业发展方向——在第三届全国重点白酒企业总工程师会议上的讲话

Research on Development Directions of Liquor-making Industry Based on the Viewpoint of Scientific Development——A Speech at the Third National Key Liquor Enterprise General Engineers Conference
摘要 “十.五”期间,酿酒行业利润突破100亿元,税金突破200亿元。2004年白酒总产量311.70万千升,比2000年增长-34.6%,保证了行业的稳定发展。中国白酒的发展方向:①坚持以人为本的科学发展观,通过科学研究和严格管理使白酒产品更加卫生、安全、有营养;②正确理解总量控制和持续发展的关系,向内挖潜力,向外抓机遇,抓住机遇发展自己;③正确理解“普通酒向优质酒转变”的内涵,寻求新的经济增长方式;④白酒香型的发展应适应市场,有所创新,注重酒体的优良及酒品的个性。(丹妮) During the practice of“The Tenth Five-year Planning”, liquor-making industry had achieved great accomplishments with enterprise profits and tax payment in excess of 10 billion RMB and 20 billion RMB respectively.The total liquor output in 2004 reached 3.117 million kiloliters with the growth rate as -34.6 %. The development directions of liquor-making industry in China in the years to come are as follows: ①Hold fast the viewpoint of scientific development depending on intellectuals and make liquor products more safe, healthy and nutrient through scientific research and strict management; ②Proper understanding the relation between total quantity control and sustainable development and make full use of enterprise potentials to realize rapid development by catching hold of each favorable opportunity; ③Proper understanding the deep meanings of “Transition from ordinary liquor into quality liquor”and make a search for new economic growth patterns; ④The development of liquor flavoring types should meet market requirements and certain innovations should be done to emphasize on liquor quality and liquor individuality.
作者 王延才
出处 《酿酒科技》 北大核心 2005年第10期17-20,共4页 Liquor-Making Science & Technology
关键词 讲话 白酒行业 发展方向 “十·五”计划 speech liquor-making industry development direction “The Tenth Five-year Planning”
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