
Ni(Pt)Si硅化物温度稳定性的研究 被引量:7

Investigation on Temperature Stability of Ni(Pt)Si Silicide
摘要 对比研究了夹层结构Ni/Pt/Ni分别与掺杂p型多晶硅和n型单晶硅进行快速热退火形成的硅化物薄膜的电学特性.实验结果表明,在600~800°C范围内,掺Pt的NiSi薄膜电阻率低且均匀,比具有低电阻率的镍硅化物的温度范围扩大了100~150°C.依据吉布斯自由能理论,对在Ni(Pt)Si薄膜中掺有2%和4%的Pt样品进行了分析.结果表明,掺少量的Pt可以推迟NiSi向NiSi2的转化温度,提高了镍硅化物的热稳定性.最后,制作了I-V特性良好的Ni(Pt)Si/Si肖特基势垒二极管,更进一步证明了掺少量的Pt改善了NiSi肖特基二极管的稳定性. This article puts forward that sandwich Ni/Pt/Ni structures makes solid phase silicidation with p-type polysilicon and n-type Si(100) substrates respectively. The sheet resistance of above samples is measured. It is found that becuase of Pt addition, the sheet resistance of Ni(Pt)Si turns low and uniform in the range of 600-800℃, and the windows of Ni(Pt)Si silicide is 100-150℃ wider than the one of low sheet resistance silicide-NiSi. Furthermore, according to the theroy on Gibbs free energy, two kinds of samples about 2% and 4% ratio of Pt element in Ni(Pt)Si silicide are analyzed, the results show that adding a little quantity of Pt element can postpone the phase transformation from NiSi to NiSi2 and enhance the thermal stability of nickel monosilicide. Finally, Ni(Pt)Si/Si schottky barrier diode is fabricated and has good I-V characteristics. This proves farther that adding a small quantity of Pt in Ni film can improve the stability of NiSi/Si schottky barrier diode.
出处 《固体电子学研究与进展》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第3期422-426,共5页 Research & Progress of SSE
关键词 镍硅化物 快速热退火 X射线衍射分析 卢瑟福背面散射分析 Ni silicide~ RTP(rapid thermal porcess)~ XRD(X-ray diffraction)~ RBS analysis
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