
寄存器传输级测试用例生成算法 被引量:1

A Test Case Generation Method at Register Transfer Level
摘要 基于控制流图数据流图层次模型,以分支覆盖、位功能覆盖以及语句可观测覆盖为目标,给出一个高层测试用例生成算法,并最终实现一种可行的RTL级测试生成算法.实验结果表明,在较少的测试生成时间下,该法可生成相对短的测试序列,得到与其他方法相当或略差的测试效果.此外,该算法因采用了测试用例技术而具良好的灵活性. As a primary part of design verification and chip testing in the life cycle of Integrated Circuits (ICs), test generation receives increasing attention. By the application of branch coverage, bit-function coverage and statement-observability coverage measures, this paper introduces a high level test case generation method based on Control Flow Graph/Data Flow Graph (CFG/DFG) model, and then puts forward a feasible test generation method at Register Transfer Level (RTL). Experimental results demonstrate that the method can produce shorter test sequence in less time, and obtains an equal or a little less stuck-at fault coverage at gate-level. Furthermore, the method provides sufficient flexibility due to the adoption of test case technique.
作者 高燕 沈理
出处 《计算机辅助设计与图形学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2005年第9期2053-2060,共8页 Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics
基金 国家"八六三"高技术研究发展计划(2002AA111100 2002AA110010)
关键词 集成电路 自动测试生成 寄存器传输级 测试用例 integrated circuits (ICs) automatic test(RTL) test casepattern generation (ATPG) register transfer level
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