目的分析152例严重急性呼吸综合征(SARS)相关病例的诊治情况,为更好地防治SARS提供科学依据.方法采用回顾性调查和卫生统计学方法,对152例SARS相关病例的诊治情况进行综合分析.结果2003年4月11日至6月12日,收治SARS相关病例152例,其中疑似SARS 63例、有症状留观83例和无症状留观6例;男性103例,女性49例,男女之比为1:0.48;年龄最小6岁,最大82岁,以20~30岁组最多,共有59例,占38.82%,以学生、民工、工人、农民居多,医务人员仅占3.95%.146例有症状患者中,临床表现以发热(145例,99.32%)、咳嗽(61例,41.78%)、乏力(39例,26.71%)、胸闷气短(19例,13.01%)、咽痛(13例,8.90%)、关节酸痛(9例,6.16%)和肺部罗音(9例,6.16%)多见.出院诊断以肺炎(60例)、上感(48例)、支气管炎(19例)、SARS(7例)、结核(5例)等多见;7例SARS患者来源于疑似SARS者6例和有症状留观者1例,且SARS的发生有家庭聚集现象,6例来自2个家庭(分别为2例和4例).结论人群对SARS普遍易感,以青壮年高发;根据流行病学史、临床表现和实验室检查结果可作出SARS明确诊断,采取严格隔离治疗传染源、切断传播途径的措施能有效防控SARS的流行.
Objective To analyze 152 correlative cases of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), to provide scientific basis for SARS prevention and cure. Methods An analysis of 152 SARS correlation cases was carried out by means of epidemiology and hygeian statistics methods. Results From April 11, to June 12, 2003, there were 152 SARS correlation cases including 63 suspected cases, 83 observation with symptom cases and 6 observation without symptom cases. Of the total 152 cases, 103 were males and 49 females with a sex ratio of 1 : 0.48 ; The youngest was 6 years old and the oldest was 82 years old. There were 59 cases in 20-30 age group(account for 38.82% of the cases in total). The majority of cases were students, civilian workers, workers and countrymen, medical staff only account for 3.95% of the cases in total. In 146 cases with symptom, the majority of clinical manisfestations were fever ( 145, 99.32 % ), cough ( 61, 41.78% ), lack power ( 39, 26.71%), chest distress and breathe hard(19, 13.01%), angina(13, 8.90%), arthralgia(9, 6.16%) and rale in lung(9, 6.16 % ). The majority of diagnoses were pneumonia(60 cases), upper respiratory(48 cases), bronchitis( 19 cases), SARS(7 cases) and tuberculosis(5 cases) et al when left hospital; In 7 SARS cases, 6 cases from suspected cases and 1 case from observation with symptom cases, SARS patients have obvious family aggregation, 6 cases come from 2 families(2 and 4 respectly). Conclusion Population have susceptibility to SARS, the majority of patients were young adults; SARS can be diagnosed based on epidemiology, clinical manisfestations and laboratory tests. SARS can be prevention and control by adopt strict separate therapy program on source of infection, cut off route of transmission.
Chinese Journal of Vector Biology and Control