利用差式扫描量热法(DSC)对半钢子午线轮胎各部位胶料的比热进行了测试.这些胶料经同一硫化条件硫化而成,分析结果证明:这几种橡胶材料在-20~90 ℃范围内,胎圈填充胶、内衬层胶的比热较大,钢丝带束层胶、胎面基部胶、帘布层胶比热较小,胎侧胶、胎面冠部胶介于它们之间,且帘布层胶、胎面基部胶和钢丝带束层胶的比热容比较接近;这几种胶料的比热容均与温度大致呈线性增长关系.轮胎在运行时,各个部位受力和变形不同导致生热不同,故在胶料配方时,要尽量协调各部位橡胶的比热容,使其温升尽量一致,而不至于轮胎因局部温升过高而较早损坏,致使轮胎的寿命降低.
Measurements of the heat capacity of steel - belted tire rubber composites were performed with Differential Scanning Calorimeter(DSC), The heat capacity of both fiUer gum of tyre bead and air barrier is high while that of steel band, tread slab base and cord- rubberizing compound are relatively low form -20 ℃ to 90 ℃ , And the heat capacity of sidewall rubber and tread slab cap are between the formers, The heat capacity of steel band, tread slab base and cord- rubberizing compound are near. The heat capacity of tire rubber composites has been verified that the heat capacity rises linearly with temperature, We must harmonize the heat capacity of all part of the tire because of the different value of it to avoid the temperature of one part of tires is so high as to shorten its life.
China Elastomerics