OBJECTIVE To observe the effect of vitamin B complex on the nociception of formaldehyde model. METHODS Twentyfour adult male SD mrs were divided randomly into four equal groups. The mrs in group Ⅰ were treated with saline aht the mrs in Ⅱ , Ⅲ group and IV were treated with vitamin B complex 50,100 and 200 mg·kg^-1 ,respectively for 7 days.Formaldehyde ( 0.37%, 100 μL) was injected subcutaneously into the left hindpaw at 1 h after the last dose in the seventh day. The time the rats licked the injected hindpaw was recorded from 0 to 15 min (the first phase) ,and from 15 to 70 min(the second phase). And 4 h later,hindpaw oedema was evaluated with the weight difference between the injected and the contralateral non-injected hindpaw. RESULTS The chroic i. p of vitamin B complex in groups Ⅱ ,Ⅲ and Ⅳ didn't change the licking-paw time in the first phase of formalin test, but significantly reduced the licking-paw time in the secend phase and the weight difference. CONCLUSION Vitamin B complex inhibites the hyperalgesia and inflammatory pain in the second phase of mrs formaldehyde model and reduced the pawedema.
Chinese Pharmaceutical Journal