

Performance analysis of a MOE blind adaptive space-time multiuser detection algorithm
摘要 将相关矩阵多次幂技术与MOE(最小输出能量)盲自适应空时多用户检测相结合提出了一种新的空时多用户检测算法。并且,从噪声方差、采样数目和u次幂的角度,对这种改进的MOE盲空时多用户检测接收机的性能进行了分析。理论证明和仿真结果表明,这种新的检测技术在噪声方差非常小、采样数目趋于无穷以及u→∞的情况下,它的性能收敛于MMSE盲自适应空时多用户检测。 A novel space-time multi-user detection algorithm was proposed, which combined a power of covariance matrix R technique with MOE blind adaptive space-time multi-user detection. Moreover, the performance of the improved MOE blind space-time multi-user detector was analyzed, according to the effect of white noise, data sample number and positive integer u in cost function. The theoretic analysis and simulation results show that the performance of the novel multi-user detection method asymptotically converge to the MMSE blind space-time multi-user detector on condition that smaller noise variance, larger enough data sample number and μ→∞.
作者 鲁凌云 肖扬
出处 《通信学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2005年第9期46-52,共7页 Journal on Communications
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(69971002)
关键词 空时多用户检测 最小输出能量 盲自适应 天线阵列 多输入多输出 space-time multiuser detection minimum output energy blind adaptive antenna array multi-input-multi-output
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