

A typical survey of applying the School IDD Health Education Supplement Materials in primary school students
摘要 目的为今后《学校健康教育课程碘缺乏病防治参考教材》(以下简称《教材》)在全国范围内的发放和使用提供经验。方法通过专题小组讨论、深入交谈、查阅有关资料和问卷调查等具体形式,对中卫县地方病卫生防疫的管理者、工作者、村医、教师、学生、学生家长有关碘缺乏病知识、态度、行为方面的需求进行调查。结果这次调查表明,学生、居民(主要是妇女)对碘缺乏病的认知情况令人担忧,经过一次干预后,教师、学生、家长各目标人群有关碘缺乏病知识水平有很大提高,效果明显。人际传播如教师和村医的宣传也是向目标人群传播碘缺乏病知识的重要手段。结论充分挖掘教师、学生等人力资源的潜力,发挥他们在学校碘缺乏病健康教育中的作用,使碘缺乏病知识有效地沿着教师—学生—家长这一健康教育链向社会传播。 Objectives Find interventions to improve school IDD health education practices. Assess the effectiveness of the proposed interventions. Methods A rapid participatory appraisal was carried out. Focused group interviews were held with informants at county level. Standardized questionnaires on IDD knowledge, attitudes and practices were prepared and completed on the base of qualitative assessment. Both qualitative and quantitative data was collected and analyzed. This study is the first systematic, detailed investigation for the problem of school IDD health education and proposed solutions carried out in China. Results IDD health education activities is not conducted very well in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Zhongwei county, students' and parents' IDD knowledge is poor. After intervened, the IDD knowledge level of the primary school students, parents is improved, the rate of knowing of IDD is 77.3 % of primary school students, and 61.8% of residents. Conclusions h is very important that many regional health sectors have set up an iodized salt quality propaganda supervision chain of “teachers - students - parents - society”, through which the target group of the housewives, teachers and students in primary and middle schools could better have the common knowledge of IDD control.
作者 黄飚
出处 《中国地方病防治》 北大核心 2005年第5期315-317,共3页 Chinese Journal of Control of Endemic Diseases
关键词 碘缺乏病 健康教育 快速参与式评估 干预 Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD) Health education Rapid participatory appraisal Intervention
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