3John Rockwell. All American Music: Composition in the Late Twentieth Century [M]. NY: Vintage Books Publisher, 1983. 238.Wilfrid Mellers. Music in A New Found Land[M]. NY: Stonehill Publishing Company, 1975. 435.
4Tom Manoff. Music: A LivingLanguage[M]. NY: W. W.Norton & Company, 1982.407.
5Bud riedgen. Good Rockin ' Tonight [M]. Chicago: TimeLife Video & Television, Warner Home Video, 1995.
6David R. Pichaske. A Generation in Motion: Popular Music and Culture in the Sixties[M] . NY: Schirmer Books, 1979.46.
7Peter Wicke, Rachel Fogg. Rock Music: Culture, Aesthetics a nd Sociology [M]. NY: The Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge, 1987.2.
8目前我国中文出版刊物中对在美国音乐史上出现的WSM电台实况转播节目名称"theGrandOleOpry"有多种不同译法,例如"大歌剧"、"美好的老奥普利",或者是按照其英文谐音译为"大奥雷奥普瑞"等等.这个节目名称"the Grand Ole Opry"最初创意是指在二十世纪二十年代,盛行在南方许多城市广播电台制作的实况转播有歌有舞的大型乡村音乐演出场面,或者称"谷仓歌舞"(theBarnDances)节目.为了强调当时特殊历史背景中这个电台音乐节目英文名称的含义,本文作者把"theGrandOleOpry"意译为"盛大乡村歌舞".