
基于多协议标签交换技术的Ad Hoc网络研究 被引量:1

On the research of MPLS-based mobile Ad Hoc networks
摘要 将MPLS(Multiprotocol Label Switching)技术引入到Ad Hoc网络中,目的是为Ad Hoc网络提供快速转发能力、QoS功能和可扩展性。针对传统IP转发机制在移动自组网(Ad Hoc)中的缺陷,研究了基于MPLS技术的Ad Hoc网络,详细描述了其基本结构,并提出了新的在Ad Hoc网络中支持自愈恢复的MPLS信令协议DMSP(Dynam ic MPLS Signaling Protocol),最后通过仿真实验对DMSP的自愈恢复方式进行了性能分析。 The goal of this paper is to provide fast-forwarding ability. QoS-provisioning functions and expansibility for mobile Ad Hoc networks. The MPLS-based techniques was pressented recently to dealt with the drawbacks of the standard IP forwarding in mobile Ad Hoe networks. This paper focuses on the MPLS-based mobile Ad Hoe networks and its architecture. A new MPLS signaling protocol of DMSP( Dynamic MPLS Signaling Protocol) supporting recovery in mobile Ad Hoc networks was also presented in this paper, Finally, the feasibility of the recovery technique of DMSP had been validated via simulations.
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第10期2233-2235,共3页 journal of Computer Applications
基金 国家863计划项目(2002AA121066)
关键词 移动自组网 多协议标签交换 标签交换路径 自愈恢复 Ad Hoc MPLS( Multiprotocol Label Switching) LSP( Label Switching Path) recovery
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