目的:了解新生儿听力筛查异常儿的听力发育变化,并探索新生儿听力普遍筛查的有效模式。方法:应用听觉脑干反应(Aud itory B rainstem Response,ABR)诊断技术对205名新生儿听力筛查异常儿在3个月时进行听力测试,并做高危因素回顾性调查;ABR异常者,6个月时做第2次ABR测试。结果:有58名听力障碍儿参加了第2次ABR复诊。该58名听力障碍儿ABR初诊时听力损失耳共计96只,平均听阈值为60.6±12.0 dBnHL;ABR复诊时平均听阈值下降到48.0±11.7dBnHL,差异有极其显著性意义(P<0.001)。其中,25名非高危儿与33名高危儿相比较,他们在ABR初诊、ABR复诊时听力损失耳的平均听阈以及前后听阈下降的平均差值均无显著性意义(P>0.05)。结论:对新生儿听力筛查异常儿在6个月时ABR复诊后再对其中的听力障碍儿推荐配戴助听器等干预措施在目前的中国国情下是经济可行的。
Objective: To investigate the hearing developmental change of those infants who failed the newborns'hearing screening and to explore the effective model of Universal Newborns'hearing Screening (UNHS). Methods: 205 infants who failed the newborns' hearing screening were tested their hearing at about 3 months old with auditory brainstem response (ABR) and were investigated the high risk factors of hearing impairment. Those diagnosed with hearing disorder were strongly advised to take a secondary test with ABR in 3 months. Resuits: 58 infants diagnosed with hearing disorder by the initial ABR test attended to the secondary ABR test at about 6 months old. They showed a significant hearing improvement regardless of with or without high risk factors (Their hearing changed from 60. 6 ± 12. 0 dBnHL to 48. 0 ± 11. 7 dBnHL, P 〈0. 001 ). Conclusion: Considering current Chinese situation, it seems economic and practictable to recommend hearing aid etc. to those infants diagnosed with hearing disorder after a secondary ABR test at about 6 months old.
Maternal and Child Health Care of China