鞍钢7号高炉大修改造设计中采用了烧结矿分级入炉与小块焦回收、串罐水冷无料钟炉顶、铜冷却壁与双 层水管镶砖冷却壁、软水闭路循环冷却、炉体薄炉衬结构、微孔炭砖与陶瓷杯复合炉缸炉底结构、平坦化出铁场、外 燃式热风炉与双预热系统、嘉恒法水渣处理装置、塔文煤气洗涤系统和TRT余压发电等新技术和新工艺,高炉投产 后生产稳定顺行,主要技术经济指标均达到设计值。
In the revamping design of Anshan Steel' s No. 7 BF, several new technologies and processes are adopted, such as charging sinter into furnace according to the sinter size, recovery of coke nut, water cooled bell less top with central charging hopper, copper cooling stave and double layer tabular cooling stave inserted into bricks, soft water closed loop circulation cooling, thin lining structure of furnace stack, combined furnace bottom and hearth with microperous carbon bricks and ceramic cup, flattened cast house, external combustion type hot air stove and duplex preheating system, Jiaheng slag granulation system, venturi gas scrubber tower and TRT. As a result, blast furnace operates stably and normally after blowing on and the main techno -economic index has reached the designed target.